Under Product by Ilya Batch

“It’s not the customer’s job to know what they want.”

Steve Jobs, Co-founder of Apple

Build products that win.

A handbook that teaches you how to plan, create, and grow impactful software products.


Under Product helps you learn the essential tools you can rely on to make good product decisions.

It’s no secret that effective problem-solving and value delivery are the cornerstones of success in technology products. Without a deep understanding of how to address real user needs, achieving key goals such as user delight, competitive advantage, and long-term profitability becomes exceedingly challenging. This fundamental skill, often referred to as product thinking, underpins nearly every decision made in the pursuit of product success.

Moreover, product thinking is a versatile skill that transcends roles and departments. Whether you’re new to the product field or already contributing to design, development, marketing, sales, management, or support, mastering product thinking unlocks some of the most exciting possibilities:

Given recent advancements in AI, the critical importance of product thinking cannot be overstated either. In an era of unprecedented technological change, the most successful products will continue to be those that address genuine human needs in the most effective way possible. This unwavering focus on the user, even in the face of disruption, is the key to building impactful, long-lasting products.

The good news is that mastering such a skill isn’t as difficult as it may seem. You don’t necessarily have to enroll in expensive business courses or read every book on professional product management. However, you do need to grasp the critical concepts of modern product-making practice:

With a little time and effort, you can easily learn these skills on your own, and this book was designed to be your trusted companion on this exciting journey.

Under Product explains fundamental, universal concepts in clear and accessible language, helping you develop powerful mental models that typically take product professionals years of experience to acquire. By providing a well-structured framework, this book will not only accelerate your learning but also empower you to confidently navigate the complexities of the product-making process. Plus, you’ll discover how to harness the power of generative AI to supercharge your workflow, amplifying productivity and yielding faster, better results across all product-related domains.

Most importantly, product thinking is a practical skill that requires hands-on application. The concepts presented in this book are designed to be put into action, and significant achievements are rarely accomplished alone. With lifetime access to a private community of like-minded product enthusiasts accompanying the book, you’ll receive ongoing support, forge valuable connections, and access a vast knowledge base—everything you need to build successful software products with the expertise and confidence of a top-tier product professional in the years to come.

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Table of contents

All the essential concepts, sorted and categorized for maximum clarity.

Under Product consists of six chapters covering everything you need to know about building impactful sofware products, without unnecessary fillers.

  1. 1. Introduction

  2. 2. Market


Tools and resources you can use to learn faster and practice better.

Utilize additional resources to accelerate your learning and enhance your productivity throughout the entirety of the product-making process.

  1. Assignments

    Engage in hands-on practice activities to strengthen your knowledge and understanding.

  2. Templates

    Use ready-made templates to streamline your workflow across all product domains.

  3. AI promptsBonus

    Harness the power of generative AI with battle-tested prompts to boost your productivity.


A private community to make your journey more productive and fun.

Join an exclusive, author-moderated Discord server to get help, share feedback, stay informed, and connect with peers while you’re working on a product or still in search of an idea to pursue.

  1. Expert guidance

    Receive advice and on-going support from seasoned professionals to navigate your product challenges.

  2. Insider resources

    Access thoughtful industry insights and high-quality content on tools, trends, and secrets of trade.

  3. Meaningful connections

    Discuss, collaborate, partner, and simply have fun with like-minded individuals who share similar goals.

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Ilya Batch – Hey there, I’m the author, and the founder, of Under Product.

Truth be told, making successful software products can be tough if you’re not sure what you’re doing. There are quite a few parts to it, and plenty of ways things can go wrong, even with all the help you can find online. Some might say it’s just how it goes—making good products is hard. But I think it doesn’t have to be, if you have the right tools. This book aims to give you those tools. It’s a handy guide to creating impactful software products, covering everything you need to know without bogging you down with unnecessary details. Drawing from my own 6+ years of experience in software product management, both the easy parts and the tough lessons, the goal is to get you up to speed on the most important ideas fast, so you can start building something awesome, whether it’s from scratch or as part of a product you’re already involved in.

Indeed, going on this journey alone can still prove challenging at times. That’s why the book comes with a private community of like-minded individuals committed to similar goals. Building products is typically a multi-year endeavor, so why not share the good and bad parts with others, offer and receive support, and have some fun along the way? It’s all part of doing something amazing and ensuring you don’t give up when things get a little tough.

Ultimately, I wrote a book that I wish I had when I was getting started, and I’m building a product community that I wish had already existed. It’s my hope that you’ll find both of them as helpful and exciting as I aspire them to be.

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